Where are all the FAQs?

Where are all the FAQs? You are currently only in the Access to Justice tab of the FAQ page.  Notice that the FAQs are organized into various categories and tabbed with the names of different areas to search such as CLE, Dues, Publications, etc.  Just click on the appropriate tab and you [...]

By |February 21st, 2022||Comments Off on Where are all the FAQs?

CLE Credit for Pro Bono Work

Can I get CLE Credit for Pro Bono Work? The CLE Commission Rules govern this question.  See the CLE Commission Rules. Upon application to the CLE Commission, you may get credit for certain Pro Bono activities; an attorney may receive one credit hour for every 6 hours of pro bono work. The [...]

By |September 2nd, 2021|, |Comments Off on CLE Credit for Pro Bono Work
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