Technology and the Law Section

(formerly E-Discovery and Technology Section)

Statement of Purpose

The goals of the Computer Law Section are (1) to educate lawyers on the role and management of electronic information in the litigation process, and (2) to provide a forum for analysis of corporate, transactional and regulatory issues related to the internet and digital technologies.

The e-discovery focus includes examination of the lawyer’s legal and ethical obligations to the client, the court and the community, to understand the role of counsel to clients regarding the management of electronic information; to promote the use of and understanding of technology in the promotion of the just speedy and inexpensive resolution of disputes and to promote open and forthright information sharing, training and development of practical tools to facilitate cooperative, collaborative and transparent discovery in the litigation process.

The technology law focus seeks to identify and address legal and business issues affected by the implementation of emerging technologies and to facilitate the creation of legal infrastructures that protect and support electronic commerce.  The Section seeks to provide practical tools and guidance both for practitioners who regularly deal with e-discovery and technology law issues and for those who encounter them only occasionally.




Sara Beth A. R. Kohut
Vice Chair
Gregory Strong
Secretary  Bruce W. McCullough

Schedule of Meetings and Events

Section quarterly meetings will be Tuesdays, July 27 & October 26, 2021, and January 25, 2022, at 12:00 noon. The next annual meeting will be Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at 12:00 noon. We normally meet at the offices of Troutman Pepper, 1313 N. Market Street, Suite 5100, Wilmington. Currently, our meetings are being held via Zoom.

Meeting Minutes and Reports



April 27, 2021

January 27, 2021


October 27, 2020

July 28, 2020

April 28, 2020

January 14, 2020


April 30, 2019


December 11, 2018

September 5, 2018

April 24, 2018

January 17, 2018


October 17, 2017

 July 27, 2017

May 5, 2017

April 12, 2017

February 15, 2017


November 29, 2016

May 3, 2016

March 21, 2016


Annual Report 2014-2015

Annual Report 2015-2016

Annual Report 2016-2017

Annual Report 2017-2018


Materials and Recommended Reading – from 11/9/16 CLE “The Panama Papers, Tom Brady, and The Good Wife, Oh My! Recent Developments in Data Security and E-Discovery

Exterro E-Discovery Case Law Library
“E-Discovery: It’s Like DĂ©jĂ  Vu All Over Again” – from July/August 2017 DSBA Bar Journal, p. 16-17

For information regarding Sections, please contact LaTonya Tucker, Director of Bar Services and Membership.
Changes to the Section’s webpage must be sent to