Continuing Legal Education
Upcoming CLE
Destination CLE: A Delegation in Support of the Cuban People
Live Seminar Registration
Register for CLE seminars by registering online at You may also mail registrations to Delaware State Bar Association, 704 N. King St., Suite 110, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, or fax the registration to (302) 658-5212. In-person registrations with payment are permitted if space allows.
Please click here to view our current seminar schedule.
Registrant Cancellation for Live Seminars
A registrant may cancel a registration for a live seminar, but a request for a refund for that cancelled registration must be made in writing and must be received no later than one week prior to a seminar to be approved. All refund requests must be in writing. Paid registrants who are unable to attend a seminar may view the CLE video of the seminar within two (2) years of the seminar date at no additional charge. (DSBA CLE videos are not accredited for Pennsylvania CLE credit.) Unpaid registrants who fail to attend are responsible for the full cost of the live seminar. A registration for a live seminar may be transferred to another attorney. PLEASE NOTE: If you are seeking a refund because you cannot attend a seminar, there will still be a $25 cancellation fee assessed due to the costs already incurred by DSBA in the scheduling, registration, processing, and filing involved with a CLE.
Live Seminar Cancellation
The Delaware State Bar Association reserves the right to change or cancel programs if circumstances warrant. In the event of severe weather, please check our website front page at or call (302) 658-5279 for more information.
CLE Webcasts
Low registration may result in the cancellation of webcast seminars at remote locations. Door registrations with payment are permitted for webcasts if space is available. Paid registrants who cannot attend webcasts may transfer the registration to someone else prior to the webcast, or the paid registrant may use the payment toward another webcast within one year of the date of the missed webcast.
CLE Seminar Material
An email confirming registration is sent to the email address on file with the Delaware State Bar Association, along with a link to the seminar materials. Late registrants may receive a confirmation of registration, if time permits.
CLE Videos
DSBA has a robust collection of online CLEs available at You may register any day or night and watch the videos at your own desk with this convenient option. If you order the video, however, make sure you watch it with two years of ordering or it will become stale under CLE Commission Rules.
For information regarding the Delaware Rules for Continuing Legal Education, please check the Delaware Commission on Continuing Legal Education website or call 651-3941.
For information regarding the Pennsylvania Rules for Continuing Legal Education, please check the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board website.
Please contact Lauren Della Donne with any questions.