Senior Lawyers Section

The Senior Lawyers’ Section of the Bar was established in November 2018 with the following purposes:

a. To develop and promote programs for members 55 years of age and older to keep them informed of matters pertinent to their age and experience.

b. To provide opportunity and forum for members of the DSBA to exchange ideas in areas of interest to the Section’s members and to encourage and promote educational activities, as well as social engagements.

c. To undertake service to the DSBA, members of the legal profession and the public.

d. To encourage members of the section and the association to perform service for the community or underserved individuals in the form of pro bono service.



Chair TBD
Vice-Chair TBD
Secretary TBD

Upcoming Meetings and Events:

Regular Section Meeting:   TBD

Annual Emeritus Luncheon:  TBD

For information regarding Sections, please contact LaTonya Tucker, Director of Bar Services and Membership.
Changes to the Section’s webpage must be sent to