Elder Law Section

About This Section

The Elder Law section is comprised of Delaware attorneys who are interested in the impact of the law on the elderly, including but not limited to, issues relating to elder abuse and financial exploitation, adult guardianships, durable powers of attorney, advance health-care directives, long-term care and health insurance, government assistance programs, the use of trusts for special needs and long-term care planning. This website is intended to further this goal by providing useful information to the bench, bar and our community.


Position Officer
Chair Linda S. Levinson
Vice-Chair Karla B. Levinson
Secretary Tyler J. Friedman

Section Events, Meetings & Information

Schedule of meetings

Meetings are held the third Thursday of the months of September through June  at 4:00 PM via Zoom.  Meetings are held in peson at the offices of teh Chair; however, a Zoom option will also be available.  Section members will receive an agenda which includes the Zoom call information.

Links & Resources

Elder Law Section Legal Handbook for Older Delawareans

(Attorneys wishing to disseminate copies of the Handbook to their clients may pick up multiple copies at the offices of Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. at 100 W. 10th Street, Suite 603. Spanish-language editions now available in print.)


For information regarding Sections, please contact LaTonya Tucker, Director of Bar Services and Membership.
Changes to the Section’s webpage must be sent to arooney@dsba.org.