DSBA currently offers two opportunities for certification and training in ADR practice:

DSBA conducts all training for mediation certification with the Superior Court of Delaware. Once trained, a member may serve as a mediator for any Superior Court case for the next seven (7) years and may renew certification through a refresher course at any time, including by watching a DSBA video online.
DSBA conducts an initial arbitration training (3 hours) for anyone wishing to be certified as a DSBA certified arbitrator. One additional course (2 hours) will be required to obtain certification in any of the following areas: FAMILY LAW (DOMESTIC RELATIONS); LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW; PERSONA INJURY LAW; COMMERCIAL LAW; ESTATES & TRUSTS LAW. Training using video online CLE is permissible. Certification lasts for 7 years and can be refreshed by taking a refresher seminar (the 2 hour subject matter course, not the entire 5 hour training).
Use of available DSBA conference rooms for holding mediations at a reduced rate. (Availability depends on CLE needs).
Connection with the Court to serve as a mediator or arbitrator. *
Use of Superior Court/DSBA Certification logo for mediators and DSBA Certification logo for arbitrators – for use on websites, email, etc.**
* If DSBA serves as an intermediary in assisting with appointment as an arbitrator or mediator, DSBA will request a small portion of the fees. ($50).
** If the attorney discontinues certification with the Court or DSBA, the right to use this logo ends upon the last day of certification unless the attorney refreshes certification.