DSBA currently offers two opportunities for certification and training in ADR practice:


DSBA conducts all training for mediation certification with the Superior Court of Delaware.  Once trained, a member may serve as a mediator for any Superior Court case for the next seven (7) years and may renew certification through a refresher course at any time, including by watching a DSBA video online.  


DSBA conducts an initial arbitration training (3 hours) for anyone wishing to be certified as a DSBA certified arbitrator.  One additional course (2 hours) will be required to obtain certification in any of the following areas:  FAMILY LAW (DOMESTIC RELATIONS); LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW; PERSONA INJURY LAW; COMMERCIAL LAW; ESTATES & TRUSTS LAW.  Training using video online CLE is permissible.  Certification lasts for 7 years and can be refreshed by taking a refresher seminar (the 2 hour subject matter course, not the entire 5 hour training).


  • Use of available DSBA conference rooms for holding mediations at a reduced rate. (Availability depends on CLE needs).

  • Connection with the Court to serve as a mediator or arbitrator. *

  • Use of Superior Court/DSBA Certification logo for mediators and DSBA Certification logo for arbitrators – for use on websites, email, etc.**

*  If DSBA serves as an intermediary in assisting with appointment as an arbitrator or mediator, DSBA will request a small portion of the fees. ($50).

** If the attorney discontinues certification with the Court or DSBA, the right to use this logo ends upon the last day of certification unless the attorney refreshes certification.


To see the current offerings of course (Complete DSBA catalog) – CLICK HERE

To see the list of currently trained DSBA Certified Arbitrators – CLICK HERE

To see the list of currently trained Superior Court Mediators – CLICK HERE