Well-being Week 2021
Lawyers are vital to our society! Quash that stress and join us during Lawyer Well-Being Week to be the best person you can be.
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month. For the 2nd year in a row, DE-LAP and the Professional Guidance/Lawyers Assistance Committees of the DSBA, along with the ABA, State LAPS and State Bar Associations are hosting and facilitating: Lawyer Well-Being Week from May 3, 2021 until May 7, 2021. With a special Member Appreciation Event hosted by DSBA & DE-LAP on Saturday, May 8, 2021 at Ramsay’s Farm.
It is easy to learn and discover new tips and strategies to keep your well-being in check and best part – with us – it is free. So, just join The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Program (DE-LAP) and the Professional Guidance/Lawyers Assistance Committee of the DSBA, for a week of spectacular speakers, awesome events and great fun ideas to plan, design and implement your own well-being plan and have fun doing it!
Again, Lawyer Well-Being Week KICKS OFF ON MAY 3TH and continues throughout the week, every day, through May 8 when we partner with DSBA at the Park for Membership Festivities. All events are free.
Monday, May 3, 2021:
- The Mindfulness Meditation five session virtual course is valuable for those individuals who want to increase well-being, reduce stress, increase focus, and maintain kindness for themselves and others. Time is devoted to formal meditation practices such as the breath, body scan, sound, eating and loving kindness meditations. Facilitator Georgia Larounis presents information on topics such as the stress reaction versus the stress response, the nature of our mind, present moment awareness, mindful communication, and the value of kindness and compassion for ourselves and others. Classes are experiential, and discussion based. Come with a willingness to learn more about yourself and a desire to create more ease in your life!Link to attend here: See registration link below at bottom of this page.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021, Zoom 4 pm:
If I Am Not Lawyering, What Else Can I Do?: Introduction to Hobbies, Hiking, Music and More
What You Wanted to Know About Hiking but Were Afraid to Ask with John Deckers, Esquire
Learn from a hiker the way to start and end a successful walk/hike with virtual check list.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: May 4, 2021 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: What You Wanted to Know About Hiking but where afraid to ask.
Register in advance for this webinar:
For further info, Contact John at john@johndeckerslaw.com.
What You Wanted to Know About Textiles & Are Afraid to Ask with Laura Nastase Najemy, Esquire: Learn to embroider with our FREE EMBROIDERY KITS available for pickup in each county.
Let Laura teach you how to relax using textile arts and make something cool in the process. All beginners welcome!
You are invited to a Zoom Webinar
Register in advance for this webinar:
For further info, Contact Laura at lnnajemy@wilmingtonde.gov.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021:
Tri-County Walk
New Castle County: “The Shipyard Shuffle”
Meet at 11:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at The Old Smoke Stack on Justison Street near the Shipyard Shops.
The walk is designed to suit your comfort level – out and back on the Jack A. Markell Trail for as long as you want. There are some great restaurants in Delaware City (if you’re really energetic), but some might choose to return for lunch at the riverfront places like Timothy’s, Big Fish, and Iron Hill. Goodie bags to be provided and coordinated by Karen Jacobs, Esquire and Caroleena Goldman, DSBA
Contact: John Deckers, Esquire at john@johndeckerslaw.com.
Kent County: “Green Mile” Walk:
Calling all Kent County Counsel!! We will meet at 11:45 a.m., southwest of the Green, at 102 W. Water Street (DOJ), and begin the walk promptly at 12:00 p.m. Join us for a brisk, mile-long, socially-distanced, walk looping “The Green” and Legislative Mall in Dover. Goodie bags to be provided! Contact: Candace Holmes, Esquire at candace.holmes@delaware.gov or (302) 300-2827.
Sussex County: “History Tour & Walk”
Meet at the Fountain at the Circle at 12:00 p.m. to start our “Historic Walking Tour” of Georgetown. Contact Denise Nordheimer, Esquire at denise@nordheimerlaw.com.
Link to walking tour: http://www.georgetownde.com/gorgtour.html#:~:text=Walking%20Tour%20of%20Historic%20Georgetown%2C%20Delaware%3A%20Georgetown%20was,to%20defray%2
AND, those who are not walking……….
Sponsored DE-LAP virtual discussion: Lawyers and Spirituality
The meaning of spirituality has developed and expanded over time, and connotations can be found but bottom-line – it is important to Well-being.
Join a spirited discussion with R.J. Scaggs, Esquire, Alice O’Brien, MS,NCC,LPCMH and Lydia E. York, Esquire Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting
Thursday, May 6, 2020 at 4 PM:
Well-Being and Mental Health Legislation/Suicide Prevention
- Attend via DE-LAP Zoom through this LINK.
- The astute attorney knows how to spot signs of mental health issues in their clients, their peers, family, and friends. Join a panel of experts: Victoria Sweeney, Esquire; R.J. Scaggs, Esquire; and Eleanor Keisel, Esquire/PhD who will discuss updated legislation on mental health. Learn the signs and symptoms of mental health issues; learn how to deal with that client or peer who needs assistance and the resources available.
Saturday, May 8, 2020, 1-4 PM:
Member Appreciation Event at Ramsey’s Farm
Hosted by DSBA and DE-LAP
Celebrate by getting out, having fun, and seeing your colleagues (wearing a mask and keeping within social distancing guidelines, of course!). This event is free-of-charge, but registration is required. Enjoy hay rides, corn hole, bonfire, raffle & prizes, food & drinks, and ice cream! Families Welcome!
TO REGISTER: (click here)
May 3 – June 1, 2021:
5 Week Mindfulness Meditation Virtual Course!
The Mindfulness Meditation virtual course is for those individuals who want to increase well-being, reduce stress, maximize focus, and maintain kindness for themselves and others. Facilitator Georgia Larounis presents information on topics such as the stress reaction versus the stress response, the nature of our mind, present moment awareness, and mindful communication.
Dates: Mondays May 3,10,17,24 and Tuesday June 1
Time: 4:00 PM (EST)
Topic: Mindfulness for Delaware Lawyers
Time: May 3, 2021 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
May 10, 2021 04:00 PM
May 17, 2021 04:00 PM
May 24, 2021 04:00 PM
Jun 1, 2021 04:00 PM
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