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Sponsored by the Delaware Lawyers Assistance Program

1.0 Hour CLE credit in Enhanced Ethics for Delaware and Pennsylvania Attorneys

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This seminar will be in-person only and offer live enhanced ethics credit. Please contact reception@dsba.org for any questions.

DE-LAP seminars and the discussion are all free to Judges, lawyers, staff, and law students to audit. Please email Mvavala@de-lap.org to secure your spot for no CLE Credit.  Conversely, if you want CLE credit, the charge is $75.00.  Please register below for 1.5 hours of CLE credit in Enhanced Ethics.

The practice of law and anger do not go together well, yet the profession will often put practitioners in a position which makes them angry.  Litigation is a business that revolves around conflict, fighting, and arguing.  Beyond managing your own emotions as a lawyer, you most likely will have to mitigate the anger of opposing counsel and the parties.   This seminar will discuss the reality that anger can affect judgment, cognition, and abilities.  Discuss the science of anger as well as practical methods to reduce its presence in your daily workload.

Mark S. Vavala, Esq.,

Executive Director of the Delaware Lawyers’ Assistance Program

Professor Philip Gable,
Graduate Director of the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of Delaware

Max B. Walton, Esquire
Connolly Gallagher LLP

DSBA Members $50
DSBA Government Members $45
Non-members (get member rate by JOINING) $150
Pennsylvania Credit – add: $4

* advertised price is for the standard member rate.


Those attendees who wish to receive CLE credit, other than from Delaware or Pennsylvania, should contact their individual State’s CLE Commission for credit. The Delaware State Bar Association can provide you with the Agenda (included in the Materials sent with your registration confirmation) and a Certificate of Attendance (upon completion of the webinar), which should meet the requirements of compliance.

All rates include CLE Seminar and any materials. To register now or review DSBA CLE Policies, click below.